“Pocketful of Sunshine”
Rose & Dahlia Bouquet


‘Pocketful of Sunshine’ is a gorgeous yellow hued bouquet, featuring yellow roses, orange dahlias, and stunning mixed foliage.

Available in 4 different sizes, these stunning bouquets are perfect for any occasion, and are sure to inject a bit of sunshine into anyone’s day!

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‘Pocketful of Sunshine’ is a gorgeous yellow hued bouquet, featuring yellow roses, orange dahlias, and stunning mixed foliage.

Available in 4 different sizes, these stunning bouquets are perfect for any occasion, and are sure to inject a bit of sunshine into anyone’s day!

Please note that any vases in product images are for display purposes only, and are not included in the product price, unless specifically stated in the product description. A vase can be added to your order for an additional cost when selecting the product options if required.

Please also note that although we try to replicate our product images as closely as possible, the exact contents may differ slightly from the image shown subject to availability. Any substitutions will however be of an equivalent value and colour. View our full Terms & Conditions

Additional information


Regular, Large, Extra Large, Wow Factor

Feature Flowers

Orange Dahlias, Yellow Roses