“Everlasting Love”
Red Rose Bouquet


‘Everlasting Love’ is a bouquet of stunning red roses, with gorgeous filler flowers, beautifully wrapped and delivered in a gift box.

Show that special someone how much they mean, by sending them a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

Available in 4 different sizes, these stunning bouquets are ideal for anniversaries, Valentines Day or just to say ‘I love you’.

Delivery Options Available at Checkout:

Postcodes: SO21, SO22, SO23, SO53 £6.00
Postcodes: SO15, SO16, SO17, SO20, SO30, SO50, SO51, SO52 £8.00

Orders can also be collected from Otterbourne, by appointment only. Please call: 023 8027 4685 to place a collection order.

What would you like written on the message card? (200 character limit)

SKU: everlasting-love Category: Tags: ,


‘Everlasting Love’ is a bouquet of stunning red roses, with gorgeous filler flowers, beautifully wrapped and delivered in a gift box.

Show that special someone how much they mean, by sending them a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

Available in 4 different sizes, these stunning bouquets are ideal for anniversaries, Valentines Day or just to say ‘I love you’.

Please also note that although we try to replicate our product images as closely as possible, the exact contents may differ slightly from the image shown subject to availability. Any substitutions will however be of an equivalent value and colour. View our full Terms & Conditions

Delivery Options Available at Checkout:

Postcodes: SO21, SO22, SO23, SO53 £6.00
Postcodes: SO15, SO16, SO17, SO20, SO30, SO50, SO51, SO52 £8.00

Orders can also be collected from Otterbourne, by appointment only. Please call: 023 8027 4685 to place a collection order.

Additional information


With 6x Roses, With 12x Roses, With 18x Roses, With 24x Roses

Feature Flowers

Red Roses